Ack! School is closed!

A word of encouragement to those of you going cra-cra because school is closed due to Covid19. You’re going to survive.  And if you allow it, thrive.  But you must shift your mindset. 

I get it. You’re home. Your routine has been upended, the children have gone feral and you’ve been wearing the same jammies for 4 days straight.

I was a homeschool mom for most of my child rearing days. I made a TON of mistakes and also learned a lot, (One of the major lessons being that failure is a better teacher than success.) I would like to pass some of what I learned on to you, dear parents, while the world is shutdown. Let me alleviate some of your concerns regarding your child’s education.

  1. Know that your child is going to be just fine. Please don’t fret that you don’t know how to teach them quadratic equations or the subtitles of Chaucer. Nor do you have to suddenly become a teacher. That’s a LOT of pressure to put on yourself. Prior to the days of compulsory education, children were educated at home. This schooling thing is a relatively new thing. So relax.

  2. School is traumatic for many children. Academics is a sport that at which few children excel. Education is not one size fits all. Let their little nervous systems unspool and see the silver lining in this interruption. Allow your child time to explore his/her unique interests.

  3. The most important “R” isn’t reading, writing, ‘‘rithmetic - It’s RELATIONSHIP. My friend and mentor, the late Chris Davis taught me this. Use this as a time to get reacquainted with your kids. Use it as a time to help them get a long with each other. This alone is a huge order so be kind and patient with your kids - and yourself!

  4. Get creative. Go outside in nature. Learn to look at the trees and the budding flowers with the wonder of a small child. Make some home made play dough (a favorite in my home), bake some cookies. Have a marshmallow fight. Laugh.

  5. Follow a routine. Notice I didn’t say schedule. A routine, people. Eat breakfast. Read a book together. Wash up after meals, etc, etc. And while wearing jammies all day may be fun for a few days, I don’t recommend it longer term. Shower, get dressed. Order your day. Moderate the binge watching. And model for your kids what a self-directed individual does with their day.

  6. I’m going to say it again. You’re going to be okay. Your child will be okay. Don’t try to replicate school in your home - play, discover and laugh with your kids.

Have any questions or concerns? Shoot me an email or connect with me over on Facebook. You got this!

Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


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