Coming up!

If you’re reading this, you know there’s a lot of proverbial dust as I move things around the website as well as finish a few big projects. 

I am putting together coaching packages.  I am really excited about one in particular where I’ll be collaborating with my Partner-in-Crime, Jay, a CPA extraordinaire,  to offer small business startups (or those thinking of one,) to help you push your dream in reality.

For those of you who were following my insane progress in the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), I finished over 50,000 words, the entire first draft of my book, “Get New Life - Without Going Into Witness Protection.” This book is going to help readers create a life they don’t want to run from.

The other project – Secrets of a Craigslist Ninja – How I turned $500 into $1,500 in three days, got a free dryer and sold a house – is ready for the editor’s pen and should be ready by January.  (Lawd willing and the crick don’t rise.)  This is a fun read to show people how to use Craigslist as a stream of income.  This will be available for those attending our upcoming workshop in February.  Oh, and speaking of that…

Is 2018 the year you will launch a business?  If so, listen up! Jay and I will be teaching a seminar at my favorite community college (and alma mater!) Yavapai College.  The course is entitled, “So You Want to Start a Business.”  You can get all the details here.  You can register at the bottom of that page. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

Thanks so much for hanging out with me!  What are you current projects?  Gimme some blog love and leave a comment.  J

Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


Website do-over


This is REALLY important - TAKE ACTION!