Exciting happenings!
Brendon Burchard teaches there are two ways we get change to occur in our lives: something new comes into our lives or something from within creates change. You either wait for something to happen or you make it happen.
After attending his High Performance Academy a few weeks ago in Phoenix, I decided to make some things happen. Or at least...put myself out there.
I applied for a podcasting fellowship hosted by Seth Godin and Alex DiPalma, the producer of Seth's podcast and many others. Priority is given to students pitching their idea. The idea is to help aspiring podcasters take action in their field of interest and over the course of the summer, complete 30 podcasts under their tutelage. It beats the heck out of a typical internship!
I applied figuring my changes were probably limited. Well guess what? Out of over 500 applications, I WAS ACCEPTED! I am over the moon delighted!
The course will be quite intensive and will likely gobble up a chunk of the summer. For the course itself, about 2 hours a day is required. Then there's preparing and interviewing guests and oh yeah, actually DOING the podcast! The podcast name will be The Zany Sage.
Other fun things include hiring a webmaster to give my site an overhaul. I am also working on some presentations to give to the entrepreneurial community here in Prescott. And the book. Yes, I'm reworking my manuscript, "Create a New Life Without Going Into Witness Protection."
The adage about "if you move towards something, it will move toward you," has big truth in it!