Fear Is A Cancer-It Will Suck Your Soul Dry
There is a cancer far more prevalent and deadly than any tumor. It has the power to shut down a life, create an anxiety disorder, and make you second guess everything to the point of paralysis.
It is fear.
I could wax on about the fear of cancer. That’s a biggie for people. I know it was (and continues to be) a source of fear for me. Just because I had it in both breasts doesn’t mean there isn’t a fresh batch of malignant cells hatching in my liver.
I used to hate breast cancer awareness month too because it would generate fear. And then, horror of horrors, I would hear of another woman newly diagnosed.
And then I became one with the diagnosis.
Now in the land of woo-woo and or religion, some might say I “manifested” this. With diet gurus, it was because I didn’t eat enough kale. Or I ate the wrong things.
These replies are the fruit of fear. It suggests that I didn’t do something right and bam! The chickens have come home to roost. I know for me, when I would hear of someone’s cancer diagnosis, I wanted to know: Were they a smoker? Was there a history of cancer? Did they live by a radioactive dump?
It’s the same feeling I get when I read obituaries of people my same age. My god, man! How did they die? And how can I avoid being stricken by their misfortune?
I am trying to assuage fear. Please tell me what to do and not do so I don’t, well, you know, DIE.
Healthful eating is important. So is the recognition of toxic thinking. This requires intention and action. Personal agency. It is not easy. But neither is an anxiety disorder.
I think more often than not, fear drives much of our behavior. Fear is a beast that has innumerable disguises, many of them friendly looking. Or it looks like common sense.
Much of our economy is driven by fear. From dietary supplements to products to mitigate the fear of shame if you’re not in fashion. Hell, I feel fear every time I post an article. While I draw fire from a troll? What if I’m misunderstood?
You can’t buy your way out of this fear. You can’t rationalize with it either. Its goal is to shut you down and keep you safe.
Marketers and politicians know this and they capitalize on it at every opportunity.
The only way to handle it is to stare into its beady eyes and call it out. Ask yourself if it’s a helpful fear delivering an important message or if it’s the voice of someone selling you something.
Having a cancer diagnosis forces you to face fear. And it has deepened my awareness of how fear has dictated much of my life.
Fear of making the wrong decision (so I chose inaction), fear of being rejected (so I silence my voice), fear of death (uh, no pass outta this one. Just best to make my peace).
Fear is prevalent. And it can take on a life of its own-even to the point of creating the very thing you are in fear of. (Think of an overly cautious driver that causes a collision.)
Fear isn’t bad. It’s just fear. It brings a message and we must discern if it is helpful or not. But it can be a slow growing malignancy that steals your joy and peace. And this can shut down your sense of purpose in life.
Don’t let it. The world needs your gifting. We need you to show up. We need you to stand up to those peddling fear and say no more.
Time is short.
Thanks so much for reading. You can find me around the internet at www.theresawinn.com, on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. If you’d like to support my writing in a small way, feel free to buy me a coffee.