My favorite kitchen organizers

If you’re new to my world, you may not know that I live full time in a 5th wheel. I love the lifestyle. No longer are my weekends spent cleaning house and mowing lawns. And because of my minimalist leanings, I relish the challenge of how to live in a space that is maximized for efficiency.

But still, it can be a challenge when it comes to the kitchen if you enjoy cooking and baking like I do. Enter my favorite organizing tools. So here we go…

Starting on the left, this is my stove area; I get a lot of mileage out of this little nook. Next pic - I love using hooks to utilize wall space. I also use a few magnetic hooks off the hood vent. (Taking care to hang stuff that couldn’t catch on fire!). I get those from Harbor Freight.

The third pic is a magnetic bar that I use for my knives and small lids. Here’s my little secret - don’t go spend a butt load of money at Williams Sonoma for one of these - go to Harbor Freight. You can get these for $3 with a coupon usually. (Psst, you can also get coupons for those magnetic hooks too.)

The last picture is magnetic spice tins. I found these on Amazon and I love, love, LOVE them. Below the spices, I mounted a cheapy hanging basket that I found in the $1 bins at Target. It’s a great place for salt and pepper and garlic.

In short, anything I can stow on a wall - without looking tacky or overwhelming, the most precious counter space I have to use.

I hope this gives you some ideas for organizing your kitchen - even if you’re tight on space.

Happy Organizing!

Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


Badass organizing - wazz that?


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