Fresh Start Professional Coaching Agreement

This Agreement is between Theresa Winn and client, ____________________. Coaching is provided by in-person meetings, Google Meet, and/or by phone with intermittent emails to augment communication. This agreement is effective on the date written below. Four sessions of coaching cost $220. A single session is $75/hour. Payment is due at time of service. Credit/Debit card transactions incur an additional 5% fee.

Professional Life Coaching & Spiritual Direction is a partnership of mutual respect. I commit to honoring you, your agendas and desires as you explore, discover and create expanded possibilities for an evolutionary, whole-hearted life. I commit to facilitate your unique life journey by recognizing the inner master within you, your capabilities, strengths and desires. We will address areas of personal and professional life you desire to develop.

Our conversations will be direct and personal, honest, and straight forward with clarifying questions, strategic tools and approaches to empower and focus on outcomes.

I will interact with you knowing that you are brilliant, capable, loving, contributing, resourceful, generous, motivated and creative.

Coaching and Spiritual Direction is not psychotherapy, counseling, or intended to give advice, medical or otherwise. If you are currently seeing a therapist, I recommend you let the person you see know that that you are adding coaching as a self-development process. If you feel you need therapy, counseling or more intense support, let me know. Honesty and openness will enhance our work together.

Confidentiality is paramount; every precaution is taken to preserve your privacy during our work together and after conclusion with exception of information that is required by law.

Coaching appointments cancelled by the client without 24-hour notice will be charged for payment, at the discretion of the coach.

By signing we both agree to the statements in this document. In the event something does not feel congruent for you, or you wish to change our plan, I trust you to let me know.

__________________________________________ __________________

Theresa Winn Date

__________________________________________ __________________

Client Date