Professional Organizing Agreement
This Agreement is between the Organizer, Theresa Winn and client, __________________. The assessment visit will take from 60-90 minutes and is $75. At this time, we will discuss your goals, strategies, and if possible, will tell you of some things you can do before our first organizing session. (This gives you an opportunity to lower your overall cost by doing things in advance.)
One session of organizing constitutes three hours of service and costs $180. You will set the pace for how quickly we tackle your objectives. Mileage (per Google maps) outside of city limits is $1/mile, per each trip. Distances beyond this will be negotiated. Payment is due at time of service. Credit/Debit card transactions incur an additional 5% fee.
Professional Organizing is a partnership of mutual respect. I commit to honoring you, your agendas and desires. As the client, you have the final word in what stays, what goes, and what needs to be stored in a way that provides you with a peaceful home.
While organizing work is physical in nature, I do not do heavy lifting. I recommend you have a friend with a strong back, if needed. Otherwise, I can hire a helper at my regular rates.
Photography Consent - I take before and after pictures for work documentation. I am proud of the work I do and would like to include it in my work history and may use them on my website or in brochures. There will be no personal identifying or geographic information in any photos. Please initial here authorizing public use._______
Confidentiality is paramount; every precaution is taken to preserve your privacy during our work together.
Organizing appointments cancelled by the client without 24-hour notice will be subject to a $25 cancellation fee, at the discretion of the organizer. You will be refunded 75% if engagement is cancelled prior to beginning. If the engagement is cancelled after work has begun, there are no refunds. By signing we both agree to the statements in this document. We both reserve the right to cancel this agreement at any time.
__________________________________________ _________________
Theresa Winn
_______________________________________ ____________________