10 things to never unclutter

As much as I love my minimalist leanings there are some things you should never, under any circumstances, declutter these out of your world. 

  • 1.    A sense of humor.  Laughter provides blessed release to Clenched Butt Syndrome.  Laughter really is the best medicine.

  • 2.    Time to recharge.  We are on 24/7 and this is simply not sustainable.  Unless of course, you have time to have a nervous breakdown.

  • 3.    A larger perspective.  We tend to get myopic and overly focused on ourselves and our problems. 

  • 4.    Lip balm. Uh, well, maybe this isn’t on your list but this is pretty damn important stuff. 

  • 5.    Gratitude. There is always, always, always, something for which you can be grateful.  This, too, is good medicine. 

  • 6.    Time with your loved ones.  None of us are guaranteed to wake up tomorrow.  I pray it doesn’t take a funeral to remind you of this. 

  • 7.    Hope. So many of us are facing difficulties of grand scale right now.  Some of my favorite lines in the Bible are, “And it came to pass…”  Please remember now doesn’t mean forever. 

  • 8.   Time for exercise.  Even if it’s just a walk around the block.  Exercise has so many positive benefits!

  • 9.    Creativity. Have fun!  Fingerpaint. Bake a new recipe. Read a book on a topic you know nothing about.

  • 10.   Love.  What the world needs now…remember the song?  It’s true.

What CAN you declutter today? 

Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


Organizing tip Tuesday: The fridge


Organizing tip Tuesday: the car