Everything is NOT figureoutable!

I adore Marie Forleo and regard her as wise and passionate thought leader for the younger generation.  But I do not agree with the bold statement of her latest book, entitled, Everything is Figureoutable.

I appreciate the can-do attitude that Marie brings but as I speed through my 5th decade in life there is one, and only one, certainty that grows in me and it is this. 

Everything is NOT figureoutable. But the stuff I’m referring to isn’t the sort of thing where you can watch a tutorial on YouTube to figure out some new software or how to change the blinker belts in your car.

I can’t figure out why children get cancer.  Or why batshit crazy people end up in power. I can’t figure out why in a world of plenty, thousands die every day from malnutrition or lack of access to clean water.  And I can’t figure out why my car stops making the funny noise when I bring it in to the mechanic.  I can’t figure out why I do the stupid things I do sometimes.  Or say stupid things. 

There are countless things I can’t figure out, and I’m learning to find peace in not trying to do so.  

For those living with unresolved trauma and mental health issues – positivity can turn toxic, like repeating a mantra that “everything is figureoutable” when, damnit, everything isn’t.

One thing I HAVE figured out however is to realize that to love is also to suffer.  To live between that tension of love and suffering defies logic and reason. 

It’s a mystery.  Which by definition, is not figureoutable. 

Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


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