God Shows Up in An Ore Boat

Thinking of Dad this Christmas

This is a piece I wrote back in 2007. Life was quite different then! I hope you enjoy it and that you can find your own little winks from your loved ones who’ve passed on.

Can’t tell me God doesn’t have a sense of fun and whimsy. Just the other day he showed up in a Great Lakes Ship.

No, the press wasn’t there, nor was there a large crowd for this showing. Actually, it was just a private little thing for yours truly. Let me explain. As a teenager growing up on the shores of Lake Superior, I often dreamed of becoming a Great Lakes ore boat cabin.

Yeah. Me.

I came by it naturally; I think. My mom, with her beautiful voice, used to sing on a cruise ship many years ago. Dad worked on a freighter in the late seventies. So it went. I had more useless facts memorized on the great vessels and would sketch out freighters for hours.

My bedroom wall was filled with pictures. I graduated from high school a year early with visions of enrolling in the Great Lakes Maritime Academy, only to have my dreams dashed by my lousy eyesight. (Which actually isn’t that lousy, but the coast guard regulations were stringent.)

And hence began my wandering to and fro. Fast forward to our trip to Marquette, MI this past week. Lake Superior beckoned me like an old friend. Jay and I snapped plenty of pictures of freighters in the harbor. I remembered boarding the boat dad was on many years ago.

The Edward B. Greene.

It was a typical ore freighter that sailed into my heart because DAD was on it. (Dad passed away in 1982.) On our way out of Upper Michigan, we stopped in Sault Ste. Marie, MI to see the Soo Locks. I was nearly giddy to see a freighter had just pulled into the lock. (There were only about 6 scheduled that day.) We had gotten there just in time and watched and marveled.

Okay. I lied.

Jay and I marveled. The kids bickered. I snapped plenty of pictures and thought of Dad. Warm, fuzzy sort of stuff. We entered the visitor center afterward.

We were told the man working the desk was quite knowledgeable. After wandering around a while, I approached his desk and asked, “Is the EB Greene by any chance still sailing?”

He smiled and said, “That was her that just went through.”

“That was the Kaye Barker,” I replied.

He pulled out a book while explaining, “Oh, that was the EB Greene alright. It sold a few times and refitted. It’s now the Barker.”

I needed to turn away. My eyes were getting leaky. My sister says it was a sign from Dad. I agreed, though I was thinking of my other Dad.

My Heavenly Dad, who shows up in strange and unexpected ways. I’m learning God’s voice can be an everyday occurrence. A friend calling. A bird singing. Or an ore boat showing up for a middle-aged mommy wanna be sailor.

If you can use some encouragement from your Heavenly Dad (or however you may perceive a Higher Power,)… I want to encourage you — -He’s more than eager. He’s usually a little more subtle than a 700'+ freighter but trust me — — He’s there.

Aaaaand a big PS…

A few months after posting that on my website, I received a comment from another author, Tracy Maurer. Her grandad was captain on the Edward B. Greene. Would I be interested in getting a copy?

Hell, yes. (Well, back then I didn’t cuss as much as I do now, but oh well.)

I ordered the book and eagerly awaited its arrival. I was delighted that at the time of the story, the EB Greene’s colors were the same as when dad sailed on her.

When the book arrived, I devoured it and found tears dripping from my eyes most unexpectedly.

It was the story of a little girl watching for her dad’s return from the lake.

Do you mind another PS?

Only this morning, my sweetie sent me the link to this YouTube clip featuring a sistership to the Kaye E Barker, the James R Barker.

Captain Newland gives one helluva salute.

Gives me chills right down to my tippy toes.

I envision Dad sending me a greeting.

I hope your holidays are filled with joy!

Thanks so much for reading. You can find me around the internet at www.theresawinn.com, on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. If you’d like to support my writing in a small way, feel free to contribute to my wishlist. (Right now it’s a one-year subscription to Canva.) Another way to support my writing is to clap-you may do so up to 50 times. Just click the little hands. This costs you nothing but tells Medium they want to keep me around. 😊

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Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


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