Instead of a National Day of Prayer, how about this?

Warning - I was a little triggered seeing the picture of Franklin Graham, Ole Glory flapping behind his pulpit. The caption read something like “a call to a National Day of Prayer.” So yeah, my feathers were ruffled.

Disclaimer - I’ve participated in these sort of activities over the years. I’ve rallied at the capitol. I’ve prayed to God to save our nation. I’ve bobbed my head in agreement with those stating we need to “return to our godly foundation.” So, I get it. That’s what I knew then.

What I know now compels me to change and call BULLSHIT on this religious rhetoric. When you know better, you should do better. I’m tired of the story of God’s providence in the founding of our nation, while decimating the indigenous people. I’m tired of the denial of the violence of slavery that built industries. I’m tired of whites pointing the fingers at people of color and suggesting they’re the ones causing the social ills. (Because there’s more blacks in prison, right? )

What exactly does it mean to “take the nation back for God?” Does it mean that our little world view in our gated communities remains protected and only those who believe as we do are allowed into it?

Okay. So I don’t want to keep ranting. If we are co-creators with our Maker, as the Bible states, how about we imagine something better than a National Day of Prayer? That only seems right since we created this mess. Here are some of my ideas:

  • Invite someone you disagree with and take them out to lunch. If you’re straight, take out a gay person, or vice versa. LISTEN to their story. Tell them yours.

  • Call out the corporate leaders for their greed and quit worshiping the god of capitalism.

  • Call out your bullshit in YOURSELF. Realize that if you have food in your fridge right now - you are privileged. Single moms in urban food deserts struggle to keep their kids fed.

  • Realize that poverty and hopelessness often times drive the violence that we are seeing take place on the streets right now.

  • Have some compassion, FFS, people. And start with yourself - after all, a lot of the judgement we’re casting on to others is nothing more than a projection of our own shame and inner conflict.

Look, if you’re inclined to pray for our nation, please, do. But it is no substitute for LISTENING to one another and being aware of how we are complicit in the mess.

Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


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