Minimalism and Decluttering - Five things you will gain
Minimalism and decluttering isn’t just about subtraction. Rather it’s about clarifying and focusing your intention on the life you want to live. Here are five things you will gain through minimalism and decluttering.
More time. Minimalism will reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning and organizing. It will also reduce the amount of time you spend looking for lost items!
More peace. Our eyes are our biggest gateway to the senses and most of us our overloaded with visual stimuli. Be reducing visual clutter, you are creating a more peaceful environment.
More money. Did you know the storage unit industry is the fastest growing sector in real estate. And at an average of $200/month for a 10x20 foot storage unit, that adds up to a lot of bucks if you are renting one.
More clarity. Do you remember the days of AM/FM radios? (I am only be a little tongue in cheek here. I can’t remember the last time I listened to radio.) Anyways, sometimes it was a challenge to use the tuning dial to get clear reception. (Especially on the less expensive stereos or older cars.) When you get intentional about decluttering, that emotional white noise disappears.
More energy. Just think about this for a moment. How do you feel when you walk into a cluttered kitchen with dirty dishes stacked up on every available surface? Now - How do you feel when you walk into a clutter free, tidy room? ‘Nuf said.
Life is too short my friends. While life has many things beyond our control, there are more things in our control than we often realize. Take back your power!