Sensational silver

You may have noticed my Zany Sage logo recently got a slight do-over.  When my brilliant graphic artist friend, Melanie, made my logo, I was still dying my hair. So, the logo had brown hair.

It’s taken more than a few years for me to get used to NOT dying my hair and then even more time to fully embrace the silver. 

Oh, I still have moments where I consider dying my hair again.  But then I decided that is not being true to my mission of living authentically and encouraging others to do the same. 

To me, authenticity to means embracing who I am, just as I am.  Not what the multi-billion cosmetic industry says.  Not what the magazines and media say.  Just as I am.  And that “as-I-am” started turning gray at 19.  This was during the time when a popular ad on TV was singing, “Gonna wash that gray right out of my hair!”

I got the message. Gray is bad. Eternal youth is to be pursued at all costs.

I started coloring my hair in my 30s and continued up until a few years ago.  First of all, I just got tired of doing it.  Second, I never liked the idea of these chemicals sitting on my scalp.  But mostly, I just got tired of this message we women are constantly bombarded with. 

Men with silver hair look “distinguished.”  Women look haggard and *gasp!* old.  WTH? 

So, a few years ago I stopped dying my hair. And I would like to say I never looked back because that wouldn’t be true. I have had moments of insecurity.  Moments of wondering if I look haggard.  Moments of wondering if I looked okay.  Good god.  At 56 ya’d think I was over these moments of insecurities.  I am an ongoing work in process.

I am enough as I am.  Overweight (though working on it because I want to be around to enjoy my future grandbabies), gray and aging skin with its sunspots.

And I want to say the same to you.  You are enough.  You are beautiful. Step into your own.  Ditch the lies and shine forth as you are. (And if brings you pleasure to color your hair, good on you!)

Now back to my Zany Sage logo.  I think she looks quite smashing, how about you? 

Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


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