Small choices - big difference

Clutter doesn’t just appear one day.  It is an outward manifestation of the choices you’ve made throughout a day.  And yes, NOT making a choice is still a choice.  It’s choosing to leave the dirty dishes in the living room.  Choosing not to put away the clean laundry.  Choosing to deal with paperwork “later”. 

Clutter is nothing more than delayed decisions.  Because we are creatures of habit, it takes work - hard work - to change those habits.  How to begin?  By thinking small.  As in small choices/actions.  And then be cognizant of the thoughts and beliefs driving your choices/actions.  

Here’s what I mean. 

Action: I drop the towel on the floor after I shower. 

Thought: I’m in a hurry.  I’ll get it later. 

Belief: There is not enough time in the day.  (Psssst….just a reminder, we all have 24 hours a day!) 

Result: Cluttered, messy bathroom.  You feel defeated.  

How to break this pattern? 

Identify:  Get a clear vision of how you want your bathroom to look - tidy and clean!

Habit: What new habit do you need to implement?  In this case, hang up the towel  .Buy hooks if needed.  

Beliefs: What beliefs support this new habit.  Oh, this is so huge.  More often than not, we have subconscious beliefs driving our thoughts and behaviors!  So how about this - I am worthy of a tidy home. I am a dignified human being and my surroundings reflect this.  

What small steps can you take today to nip clutter in the bud?  

Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


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