Organizing a kitchen

35 cereal bowls. Eight corkscrews. 18 Cool Whip containers. 23 kitchen towels. All for a household of two people.

Is it any wonder people tell me how overwhelmed they are by their kitchen? And I’m not even talking their pantry! Look, it happens. Things just accumulate. Your challenge is to unaccumulated them!

The first step to organizing a kitchen is to purge the excess. While I can appreciate the urgency of opening a bottle of wine (especially if clutter is nipping at your heels,) do you really need 8 corkscrews? Keep one or two of the best ones - pitch the rest.

I know this can be overwhelming. Start with one drawer. Just one. You can do this!

Theresa Winn

I'm a writer, speaker, life coach, lifelong learner and servant.  Sometimes I cuss and occasionally, I want to slap annoying people.


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Clutter is a thief